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How To Write Your Most Popular Blog Post

How To Write Your Most Popular Blog Post
Everybody does!
Popular blog posts can be described as the articles on your blog that gets the most comments, or sometimes the most views.
Creating such a blog post all depends on how you write and present that article to your readers.
The truth can be said about a popular song. The people who listen and love a popular song liked the way that the singer has presented it and also the message that is being delivered in the song.
Therefore, writing your most popular post often depends on you the writer and what you are writing about.
I have been blogging for some time now and I have written some really popular blog posts on my blog, on blogging contests which helped me to make some money and even on this blog.
Here are my most popular guest posts on this blog:
Does Guest Posting And Blog Commenting Still Work For Generating Targeted Traffic? (132 Comments)
If you notice, all of these posts has over 100 comments.
Want to know my trick into writing popular articles?
This month on my blog, I wrote 3 articles that landed in the second, third and forth spot on my blog as the most popular articles there.
Imagine that!
Those 3 articles got more comments than the other existing articles that were on my blog for more than 6 or more months. Those articles got a total of 272 comments and I think this is an amazing accomplishment.

Writing Your Most Popular Blog Post

There no set formula that you can use to write your most popular blog post. It can happen to any of your blog post without you doing anything extra.
Sometimes you may write an article and think that this article will go viral and get the most comments ever. But when you publish it, the article only get about 20 comments.
So what is needed to write popular blog posts?

Here are my tips for writing a popular blog post

Give The Audience What They Want
If you truly want your blog posts to be popular, then one thing that I have noticed is that you have to give your blog readers what they want.
This is pretty simple and straight forward!
If I find a blog post with information that suites my need and it has information that can benefit me, then no doubt I am going to be inspired to make a comment on that article. I am going to want to leave a comment thanking the author of that wonderful article because the information that was written was something that I was looking for.
When writing blog posts, don’t just write because you want to publish something on your blog. You want to deliver information that your readers want.
Browse forums, set up a poll, ask on Twitter what information your readers want. Doing this will help you to write blog posts that are targeted to your readers.
This will do the trick in writing your most popular blog post.
Reply To Your Comments
If you really want your blog post to be popular then replying to comments isn’t an option.
It is a must!
Replying to each comment left on your blog post can help you do double up on the total amount of comments that your article will get.
For example, if you write an article and it gets 58 comments, then replying to each comment will get you a total of 116 comments.
Another reason for replying to comments is that it helps to build a strong community around your blog.
Having a strong blogging community will help you reach blogging success in no time. This also encourages the commentator to come back and leave more comments if you engage them in a discussion.
Reply to each comment and this will help to make your blog post popular and also help to build up your blog.
Write Less, Promote More
Have you ever tried this method of getting your blog post to be popular?
Writing less means that you doesn’t mean that you write a short article. It means that you write articles a few days a part and for the days that you don’t write then you take that time to promote your blog post.
Doing this will help to make your blog post get popular.
Ask your friends online to leave a comment, promote on social media sites, social networking sites and also email it to your list if you have a mailing list.
It’s All About Quality Content And Delivery
Quality content is the best thing to have on your blog and should be done while writing your blog posts. When a blog post is popular this can be a result from quality content.
The better the content then the more popular the post will become.
You also have to take in mind the way that you will deliver this content to your audience.
If you deliver your blog post in a way which is straight forward and easy to understand then your blog post will get popular in no time.
Take for instance my 2nd most popular article on my blog (How To Make Money From Your Blog By Selling Advertisements) 4th most popular article on my blog (How To Make Your First $100 From Your Blog)
In those articles I gave tips on how to make money from your blog selling advertisements and tips on how to make your $100 from your blog. I made sure to write articles on the topics that people want to read about.
The content was clear and delivery was straight forward.
If you try that approach then I guarantee that you will be writing popular blog posts in no time.

Results From Writing Popular Blog Post

Is there any good that comes from writing a popular blog post?
Are you kidding me? Yes there is!
When you have successfully written a popular blog post on your own blog, your blog visitors will realize that you are a blogger that knows his/her stuff when it comes to blogging.
They know that you have what it takes to capture an audience and know how to deliver information to your audience.
When you write a blog post that is really good and it gets popular then this means that your article can go viral. This will give your blog readers more reason to want to share your article and to also tell their friends about it.
New blog visitors will want to know know why your blog post is popular and might take the time out to read or leave a comment as well.
This also opens the door which allows you to write and get paid for your writing.
Having a popular blog post also helps to make your blog popular as well.
It helps to increase subscribers and the people who follow you.
Having popular blog posts on your blog is a win win situation. Helps to increase traffic, so you just have to be wise and know how to keep that traffic coming back and then turning your traffic into money.
If your aim is to write a popular blog post as a guest post then you can benefit greatly from it.
Your blog can be filled with targeted traffic and also you will be getting tons of requests for guest posters.
Other bloggers will also want to invite you to their blog and hoping that you can do the same and write a popular guest post for their blog.
Writing popular guest posts shows the blog owner that you know what you are capable of. It helps to get your guest posts approved earlier than expected and also help to build the community of the blog that you are guest posting for.
You just have to remember that quality goes a long way and if you apply this while you are guest blogging then you are on the road to success.

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